Thursday, August 26, 2010


Well, we finally made it!  This is going to be a short post since I'm in an internet cafe, but I thought I would just leave a quick update.  The trip was long, but it included soo many fun and interesting first-time experiences and views!  Although Egypt is the focus of my trip, it was fun to get to see Europe from the sky on the way over :) 

We've really only been here for 24 hours, so I don't have any completely fascinating stories.  We went on a  three hour sight-seeing from a bus today.- The city is just so amazing and different than what I'm used to that it's hard to describe and put into words yet (it's also very difficult to photograph from a bus :)).  I'm really excited to do more exploring in smaller groups and to know what to say and do in different situations- the everyday interactions still some extremely foreign and I'm never sure how to not be rude while staying within boundaries.  In general the people seem really nice though, last night we were walking to our apartment to move in with all our luggage and adorable little girl on a trycicle welcomed us in English.  I'm still not exactly sure what I'm doing, but   I've really enjoyed it so far and am looking forward to the adventures the next couple of days will bring. 

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Off I go.

Well, I'm not sure what I think, but I finally have a blog.  I'm hopping on a plane for Egypt on Monday and  I'm pretty excited about it!  I may not be completely ready in a material sense (although I am getting close!), but mentally I am SO ready to finally be starting my adventure.  

I plan to use this blog as a means to keep all my friends and family (you!) updated on my adventures.  I really appreciate all your support and encouragement and would love your continued prayers as I launch into this exciting chapter of my life!