Saturday, August 13, 2011

Cle Elum.

Now, you see, the inspiration for my sudden burst of creative blogging activity should probably be shared. I was on my way home from home (to Sandpoint from Seattle) and I left last night. Over twenty-four hours ago.  On the first shot I made it about fifteen miles.  On the second shot, today, I made it 60 miles-- over a 300% improvement! Ha.  I've discovered that I hate cars (particularly one white Subaru Outback), that I dislike towns without Starbucks (and grassy green parks in which to sit, read, contemplate, and nap), and that being a single women in a car without coolant (even if you do have some idea of what you're talking about) carries a stigma of incompetency and cluelessness.

Anyways, I should be home (with my favorite car on the back of a trailer) sometime in the early morning hours tonight.  In other news, I loveloveloveLOVE my AWESOME Dad.

"Interesting" fact of the day:  Cle Elum's phone service was not switched from manual dial to automatic dialing until 1966.  Fascinating, I know :)

Life. Travels. Wonderlust.

I want to be a blogger (and a journal-er, and a creative singer-songwriter, and a thoughtful, caring and kind person.  and a pirate. and a cowboy.).  So, with that in mind, I am going to re-start my Egypt (almost)blog and try to find thoughtful comments, stories, and life experiences to share.  I like the idea of travel, exploration and wonder-seeking so I am going to continue recording my life in this way.  Summer, my first in Seattle, has been quite a fulfilling adventure and I can't believe that it's August already.  More updates to come!

Also, I've started collecting postcards written by nuns.  Maybe I'll get around to sharing a few of those to brighten dull days :)